Data Protection for Charities

The following information has been prepared by The Office of the Data Protection Authority

The Office of the Data Protection Authority in Guernsey is the independent supervisory authority for the purposes of The Data Protection (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2017 and associated legislation.

All organisations that process (use) personal data during the course of their business, including charities, are required to register with the Authority on an annual basis.  For charities and not-for-profit organisations, this requirement is free.

Your organisation will be responsible for personal data, whether on a small or large scale. It is an increasingly valuable asset, and it is essential for you to ensure compliance with the regulatory framework that sits around all processing (using) of that data. It is important because it is a legal requirement, but it is also important because it goes to the heart of your organisation’s success.

For further guidance and support, visit 

Alternatively, you may contact the Authority by telephone on 742074, email to or write to them at:
The Office of the Data Protection Authority
Block A
Lefebvre Court
Lefebvre Street
St. Peter Port

This information is offered to assist charitable organisations.  It should not be regarded as comprehensive and charities should take appropriate advice to ensure they comply with their obligations.  The Association of Guernsey Charities accepts no responsibility for any person or organisation using these guidelines.