King George V Memorial Playing Field Trust

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AGC Membership No. 89
Guernsey Registered Charity number CH085 *

*The Guernsey Registry is responsible for administration of the registers of charities and non-profit organisations. The number indicated above was originally issued to the charity, but this is not an indication that registration is up to date. Please see for a current list of registered organisations

Description Aims and Objectives

The trust was registered at the Greffe on 19th March 1985, under a new Order in Council, ratifying a Projet de Loi, entitled the King George the Fifth Memorial Playing Field Trust (Guernsey) Law 1985.

The purpose of the Trust is to develop, maintain, preserve and upkeep a playing field for the benefit of the people of this Island, in memory of the late King George the Fifth.

There is a King George’s Sports and Social Club with a totally integrated membership of able-bodied and disabled sports people, and the Trust operates in close liaison with the G.S.P.D., and the G.S.A.D.

Organisation and Management

Property is held by the Trustees, who include the Bailiff and Deputy Bailiff, and the affairs of the trust and of the Sports and Social Club are conducted by a Management Committee of ten members.

Income is from the hire of pitches and sports facilities at the playing fields, membership fees of the Sports and Social Club, donations, legacies and fund-raising activities.

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Contact Details
Mark Latter


KGV Develops

Volunteers Needed
