Guernsey Employment Trust

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AGC Membership No. 414
Guernsey Registered Charity number CH484 *

*The Guernsey Registry is responsible for administration of the registers of charities and non-profit organisations. The number indicated above was originally issued to the charity, but this is not an indication that registration is up to date. Please see for a current list of registered organisations

Description Aims and Objectives

The aim of Guernsey Employment Trust (GET) is to create employment opportunities for disabled and disadvantaged people and to assist them to prepare for, find and maintain work in Guernsey.

The target group of GET is unemployed disabled people and people who face difficulty finding and sustaining employment due to health or other disadvantage. People with all forms of disability are accepted including those with a mental health concern; a learning disability; a learning difficulty such as dyslexia; Autism Spectrum Disorder;a physical disability; a sensory impairment or a health issue.

GET is designed to address the employment needs of not only disabled people but to also support employers to respond to the needs of disabled staff and job applicants.

Organisation and Management

GET is formed by a board of directors and Chief Executive.  The Management team lead a team of Employment Support Officers, a Job Club Leader and an Administration Assistant.

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Contact Details
Nicola Ioannou-Droushiotis
247999 / 07839 106406  


Volunteers Needed

Finance Director / Treasurer
