Safer LBG (Domestic Violence Forum)

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AGC Membership No. 246
Guernsey Registered Charity number CH400 *

*The Guernsey Registry is responsible for administration of the registers of charities and non-profit organisations. The number indicated above was originally issued to the charity, but this is not an indication that registration is up to date. Please see for a current list of registered organisations

Description Aims and Objectives

Safer currently provides specialist services to support all victims of domestic abuse and their children. Safer supports all victims, regardless of age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, residential status etc. Our current services include the Guernsey Women’s Refuge, Outreach, Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA), Children and Young Person’s Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (KIDVA), helpline, Moving On counselling, training, campaigning and awareness raising as well as back office functions.


Much of our work is supporting victims and survivors of domestic abuse. This is anyone who has experienced or been subjected to threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, verbal, sexual, financial, emotional, stalking or harassment) or a pattern of coercive behaviour, inflicted on them by another where they are or have been intimate partners or family members.

No one should be the subject of domestic abuse and we try to support everyone, irrespective of age,disability, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, residential status etc. Our services can be contacted by calling 01481 721999.


Safer is seeking to enable all islanders to enjoy a life free from domestic abuse, coercion and harm. Everyone should feel safe in their own homes and should be able to live lives free of abuse.


Safer has two main aims:

·        The prevention of domestic abuse;

·        The protection of individuals who have experienced domestic abuse and their children.


We try to achieve these aims through:

·        High quality services for people who have experienced domestic abuse and their children

·        Empowering victims of domestic abuse to rebuild their lives and reach their potential

·        Challenging attitudes and beliefs that perpetuate domestic abuse

·        Raising awareness and campaigning

·        Actively promoting equality and diversity

·        Training, seminars and information sessions for professionals

·        Partnership working, collaboration and multi-agency action.


Domestic abuse is a violation of the victim’s basic human rights. It stems from inequality and an abuse of power.

Organisation and Management

Safer has a Board of Directors, Senior Manager and fundraising team - Friends of Safer.

Safer is an independent, Guernsey-registered company limited by guarantee. All funds raised remain in the Bailiwick.

Safer currently receives a grant from the States of Guernsey towards the running of the IDVA Service, Refuge and Guernsey and Alderney Child Contact Centre. It relies on the support of the local community, from corporate donations, fund-raising events and flag days.

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Contact Details


Volunteers Needed

Gardener / maintenance / handyperson.

Flag sellers - Co-ordinators

Friends of Safer


White Ribbon Flag Day

Domestic Abuse Awareness Training Tier 1

Domestic Abuse Awareness Traning Tier 1

Domestic Abuse Awareness Training Tier 1

Domestic Abuse Awareness Training Tier 1